Academic Research
Exhibition @ Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism: Cities Grown in Difference.
December 15 2017 - March 15 2018.
with Maria Arquero de Alarcon, Mclain Clutter, Dhara Mittal, and Nishant Mittal
More @ MAde Studio, Extents, and Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
illegal / irregular/ informal : The production of urban land in the Mexico City metropolitan area
This project documents the unique spatial, social, and political structures enabling irregular settlements in Chimalhuacán, a municipality of more than 600,000 residents partially built in the desiccated Texcoco Lakebed, to the east of Mexico City.
After our research, we concluded that this ”informal” development is in fact carefully planned and executed as a means of social, political, and spatial control of vulnerable and forgotten populations by the politically motivated ”social organization” Antorcha Campesina. We contend that Chimalhuacán’s development has ensued through intricately designed patterns intended to segment the municipality into a cluster of mutually exclusive enclaves. Each enclave is a unit of control, dividing the municipality into statistical abstractions of population in order to suppress collective consciousness.
The reseach
In Chimalhuacán, patterns of enclave development repeat, mirror, and tessellate with quasi-computation proceduralism, constituting a program of expansion and population management scripted to control, occupy, urbanize, and repeat.
Incremental development: Type formation & Parcel appropriation
Social organizations seize unoccupied public and private land through organized invasions disregarding ownership or regulatory structures. After securing the perimeter and dividing the land, they hold tight control of (upon) dwellers through organized payments, obligated votes, and public mobilizations for the political party to which the social organization is aligned. This type of urbanization becomes an explicit technique of whipping democracy in order to maintain control by the ruling party.